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Board of Directors

Representing LOTT's four partner jurisdictions

The LOTT Clean Water Alliance is governed by a Board of Directors. Four elected officials – one from each of the partner governments – are appointed to represent their jurisdictions on the Board. The Board provides oversight for planning, construction and financing of LOTT programs, joint facilities and plans for future facilities. Representatives to the LOTT Board are selected by each of the four partner jurisdictions at the beginning of each year.

Join Us for Board Meetings

The LOTT Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are hybrid, with options to attend in person or remotely. Agenda packets for Board meetings are posted here prior to each meeting, or you can sign up to receive meeting packets and other LOTT news by email. Agenda packets include the upcoming meeting agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, current financial data, staff reports, related documents and instructions for how to participate. Board of Directors meetings are also recorded for later viewing on Thurston Community Media – Channel 22.

The LOTT Board of Directors values the public’s input and sets aside time to receive public comment during Board meetings and other public meetings and venues. To provide opportunity for public comment and ensure orderly conduct of meetings, all public comments must relate to the business of LOTT or issues being considered on the meeting agenda and each speaker must limit their comments to a maximum of three (3) minutes.