Current and Upcoming Construction Projects
Maintaining and improving our wastewater treatment systems is an ongoing effort that requires many capital construction projects. These projects take place at the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant, offsite facilities, pump stations and LOTT’s sewer interceptor pipelines. LOTT has multiple capital projects underway at any one time. Check back occasionally for updates on ongoing and upcoming projects.

LOTT Construction Impacts
Some construction projects may cause disruptions beyond LOTT property boundaries. When construction is likely to cause disruptions, LOTT strives to alert residents and business owners who may be affected.
Centrate Building Rehabilitation
This project includes partial demolition and rehabilitation of the Centrate Building. Construction began in early 2024 and will continue through early 2025. Work involves removing the roof, repairing and repainting structural steel, replacing air handling and odor control systems, modifying pipes, replacing doors and windows, reroofing of the building and adding a solar array.
Martin Way Pump Station Upgrade
The LOTT Clean Water Alliance Martin Way Pump Station was constructed in the early 1990s to convey flow from the City of Lacey to the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant. This project involves replacing aging equipment and making upgrades to the Martin Way Pump Station to increase the capacity to meet anticipated growth in the service area. It will also improve reliability of the pump station, which was last upgraded in 2005.
Security Improvements
Installation of new fencing around the treatment plant perimeter, LOTT offices and the East Bay Public Plaza was completed in 2022. A related project to replace two vehicle gates was completed in 2023. These efforts will result in greater security of the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant and related facilities.
Digester System Improvements
In early 2025, LOTT Clean Water Alliance will begin a major construction project to refurbish the digester system at the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant. Work includes new digester covers and replacement of the emergency waste gas burner with an enclosed flare. Construction will occur in stages over a three-year period with anticipated completion in early 2028.
Centrate Building Rehabilitation
This project includes partial demolition and rehabilitation of the Centrate Building. Construction began in early 2024 and will continue through early 2025. Work involves removing the roof, repairing, and repainting structural steel, replacing air handling and odor control systems, modifying pipes, replacing doors and windows, reroofing of the building, and adding a solar array.
Martin Way Pump Station Upgrade
The LOTT Clean Water Alliance Martin Way Pump Station was constructed in the early 1990s to convey flow from the City of Lacey to the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant. This project will replace aging equipment and upgrade the system based on observed and predicted capacity increases. The pre-design phase is currently underway.
Security Improvements
Installation of new fencing around the treatment plant perimeter, LOTT offices, and the East Bay Public Plaza was completed in 2022. A follow-on project to replace two vehicle gates is scheduled for later this year. These efforts will result in greater security of the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant and related facilities.