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This report outlines the LOTT’s accountability for public resources, compliance with state laws and regulations, and its own policies and procedures.
This report provides an overview of LOTT’s key accomplishments in 2019 and compares the utility’s performance to goals and objectives identified in LOTT’s Performance Plan.
This report provides an overview of LOTT’s key accomplishments in 2020 and compares the utility’s performance to goals and objectives identified in LOTT’s Performance Plan.
This report provides an overview of LOTT’s key accomplishments in 2021 and compares the utility’s performance to goals and objectives identified in LOTT’s Performance Plan.
An overview of key accomplishments in 2022 and compares the utility’s performance to goals and objectives identified in LOTT’s Performance Plan.
This report provides an overview of LOTT’s key accomplishments in 2023 and compares the utility’s performance to goals and objectives identified in LOTT’s Performance Plan.
LOTT approved an investigation of the flowing artesian wells of the downtown Olympia area, which resulted in this 1999 analysis.
This report features the LOTT Alliance’s financial statements in order to provide information on LOTT’s financial condition.
This Biosolids Management Plan provides long-range capital investment and operating strategy.
This Interlocal Agreement is concerning the development of an Action Plan for Budd Inlet Restoration activities.
This scientific study helps show the extent to which Budd Inlet can be relied upon for the discharge of treated wastewater flows in the future.
The Master Plan provides an update of the original list of improvements listed in the 1998 Wastewater Resource Management Plan.
A Determination of Nonsignificance, Environmental Checklist, and Notice of Adoption for the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant Master Plan were issued July 2007.
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for waste discharge issued by the Department of Ecology.
The LOTT Alliance Operations and Capital Budget, and the Capital Improvements Plan, are reviewed and updated each biennium.
The Capacity Report includes the Flows and Loadings, I&I/Inflow Monitoring, and Capacity Assessment biennial reports.